Francesco Baretto S.p.A. has secured a leading position in the Offshore Construction sector, with a strong bias towards Oil & Gas-related activities in remote areas and deep waters, through the setting up of large-size platforms. The map shows the worldwide diffusion of company products.

Major projects in which Francesco Baretto has participated, contributing its products, include:
Kizomba (Angola)
Ras Tanura (Saudi Arabia)
Woodside, Wheatstone and Ichthys (Australia)
Cessao Onerosa, Tupi, Peregrino and Carioca (Brazil)
Hebron (Canada)
Tyra (Denmark)
Noble (Israel)
Tengiz (Kazakhstan)
Coral (Mozambique)
Erha (Nigeria)
Oseberg C, Aasta Hansteen, Gina Krog, Sverdrup, Otter Lake, Njord, Castberg (Norway)
Albacora (Peru)
Golar, Corpus Christi and Mad Dog (USA)
Umm-Lulu, Al Nasr (United Arab Emirates)
Cassia (Venezuela)